


Name:      PD Dr. Heike M. Hermanns
  Medizinische Klinik II / Hepatologie, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
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Termin/Ort: Freitag, 08.03.2019 14:30 Uhr im Gebäude  28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 027
Thema:  JAK-STAT signaling in liver diseases


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Name:      Prof. Dr. Gerhard Müller-Newen
  Institut für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie der RWTH Aachen
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Termin/Ort: Donnerstag, 08.11.2018 17:00 Uhr im Gebäude 28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 027
Thema:  Non-canonical aspects of Jak-STAT signaling

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Verteidigung Masterarbeit

Name:      Sara Grone
Termin/Ort:     26.09.2018, 13:00 Uhr im Gebäude 28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 27
Thema:  IL-6 Signaltransduktion in der nicht-alkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD)


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Verteidigung Masterarbeit

Name:      Claudia Röll
Termin/Ort:     07.09.2018, 09:00 Uhr im Gebäude 28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 27
Thema:  Vergleich des Proteoms von Hepatoma Zelllinien nach IL-6-induziertem classic und trans-Signalling

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Verteidigung Bachelorarbeit

Name:      Jessica Fiebelkow
Termin/Ort:     20.07.2018, 09:00 Uhr im Gebäude 28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 27
Thema:  Interleukin-6-induzierte Signaltransduktion in der hepatischen Steatose

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Verteidigung Bachelorarbeit

Name:      Karen Gille
Termin/Ort:     28.05.2018, 09:00 Uhr im Gebäude 28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 27
Thema:  Bedeutung der Expression und Phosphorylierung von Gab1 für die Interleukin-6-induzierte Signaltransduktion

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Verteidigung Masterarbeit

Name:      Nadine Köhler
Termin/Ort:     25.04.2018, 09:30 Uhr im Gebäude 28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 27
Thema:  Identifizierung putativer STAT3- und p(Y)STAT3 Bindestellen im humanen REDD1 Promotor


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Name:      PD Dr. Christoph Garbers
  Institut für Biochemie, Christan-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
  Homepage (externer Link)
Termin/Ort: Donnerstag, 08.03.2018 17:00 Uhr im Gebäude  28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 027
Thema:  Control of intracellular signaling pathways by extracellular cytokine receptors


Intracellular signaling cascades, e.g. the Jak/STAT pathway, have several different functions in health and disease. Their activation and the duration of signaling must be tightly controlled. Dysregulated, overshooting activities of such pathways are often associated with human diseases. The pleiotropic cytokines Interleukin-11 (IL-11) and IL-6 are secreted glycoproteins that activate their target cells via specific membrane-bound IL-6/IL-11 alpha receptors (IL-11R and IL-6R, respectively). Formation of cytokine/cytokine receptor complexes leads to the formation of a homodimer of the ubiquitously expressed signal-transducing beta-receptor gp130 (termed classic signaling), which induces signaling cascades like the Jak/STAT pathway. Thus, the cellular expression pattern of the alpha receptors determines which cells respond to IL-6 and IL-11, respectively, as gp130 is ubiquitously expressed. Importantly, the ectodomains of the IL-11R and IL-6R can be cleaved off the cells by several proteases, albeit with different preferences and specificities. The resulting soluble receptors (sIL-11R and sIL-6R) act as agonists and can activate cells via gp130 (termed trans-signaling), which widens the spectrum of cells that can be activated by IL-11 and IL-6. The presentation will give an overview how signaling on the inside is regulated by cytokine receptors on the outside of the cell, and how knowledge about these processes can be exploited therapeutically.

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Verteidigung Bachelorarbeit

Name:      Paul Meier
Termin/Ort:     15.12.2017, 10:00 Uhr im Gebäude 28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 27
Thema:  Inhibition der IL-6-induzierten SHP2 Aktivierung mit dem allosterischen Inhibitor SHP099

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Name:      Prof. Dr. Raymond Kaempfer
  Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Medicine, IMRIC Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Israel
  Homepage (externer Link)
Termin/Ort: Montag, 04.12.2017 16:00 Uhr im Gebäude  28 / Pfälzer Platz, Raum 027
Thema:  Control of mRNA splicing by noncoding intragenic RNA elements that evoke a celluar stress response.


We define structure and function of novel noncoding RNA elements within the tumor necrosis factor and hemoglobin genes that by activating a cellular stress response hitherto thought only to repress translation, render splicing of their mRNAs highly efficient. These RNA elements activate the RNA-dependent kinase, PKR. PKR-mediated mRNA splicing, we show, depends strictly on phosphorylation of translation initiation factor eIF2α which is both necessary and sufficient to achieve efficient splicing, while leaving translation intact.

Cell Research (http://rdcu.be/qB2k)
Cell Reports (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2017.06.035 ).

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Letzte Änderung: 02.12.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Fred Schaper